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Conference Papers 2017-2023

Todd Mcgowan, Jean Wyatt and Frances Restuccia at LACK conference, April 19- 23, 2023, Bur

Todd Mcgowan, Jean Wyatt, and Frances Restuccia at 2023 LACK Conference (Burlington, VT)

  • “Dislocating the Reader: Political, Psychological, and Textual Displacement in Toni Morrison’s Paradise.” Association for Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society (APCS) Conference. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ (October 2014).

  • “Geographic, Psychological, and Textual Displacement in Toni Morrison’s Paradise.” 2014 Narrative Conference. MIT, Cambridge, MA (March 2014).

  • “The ‘Happy Ending’ of Morrison’s Home: Love, Home and Medical History.”  2013 Narrative Conference. Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, U.K. (June 2013).

  • “Severed Limbs, The Return of the Repressed, and Narrative Form in Toni Morrison’s Home.” 2013 American Literature Association (ALA) Conference. Westin Copley Plaza, Boston, MA (May 2013).

  • “Biopolitics in Toni Morrison’s Home.” 2013 American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA) Conference. University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada (April 2013).

  • “Love, History, and Narrative Form in Toni Morrison’s Jazz.” 2012 MELUS Conference, “Ethnic Literatures and Transnationalism.” Santa Clara University, San Jose, CA (April 2012).

  • “Love, History, and Narrative Form in Toni Morrison’s Jazz.” 2012 Narrative Conference. Harrah’s, Las Vegas, NV (March 2012). 

  • “Love, History, and Narrative Form in Toni Morrison’s Jazz.” Association for Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society (APCS) Conference. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ (October 2011).

  • “Thinking through the Image: Morrison’s Tar Baby and Debord’s Society of the Spectacle.” Toni Morrison Society Biennial Conference, "Toni Morrison and the Circuits of the Imagination." Paris, France (June 2010).

  • “Ojibwe Storytelling and the Reader: Narrative Structure in Louise Erdrich’s The Painted Drum.” 2010 Narrative Conference. Case Western Reserve, Cleveland, OH (April 2010).

  • “Thinking through the Image: Guy Debord’s Society of the Spectacle and Toni Morrison’s Tar Baby.” Association for Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society (APCS) Conference. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ (October 2009).

  • “Circular Narrative, Cyclical Time in Louise Erdrich’s The Painted Drum.2007 Narrative Conference. Washington, DC (March 2007).

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